Een Microsoft cofiguratie cursus tot exam 70-680 Dit exam vormt een deel uit de MCITP Windows 7 Configuration cursus en je wordt dan een certificeerde profi. In de training modus krijg je feedback op je antwoorden, en je kan beter reviseren als je weet waar je zwakke punten liggen. Je kan ook een virtuele exam modus simuleren en je krijgt dan je score als je klaar bent. Dan weet je precies hoe het zit met je voorbereiding voor de doet je echte examen. Met dit onlinecursus kan je verwachten van een succesvol afronding van het examen 70-680, je bent beschikt over de MCTS certificering Windows 7 config.
Getting your money back ... The truth, however, is quite simple: if you want to get your loan repaid, you have to make your borrower strong not weak. Bankers' meetings (with lawyers also present) focus on getting your money back without considering how to make the borrower strong. That does not work.It is putting the cart before the horse.
Greece beyond salvation? The website Branding Greece is a good one! However, branding must go hand-in-hand with actual facts which confirm the new branding. Greece needs both, and needs both in a coordinated way: the projection of a new Greek branding and the communication of any facts which show that the new branding is supported by facts. When I talk to Greeks, they generally tell me that nothing material will ever change in Greece. Well, that is a wonderful self-fulfilling prophesy. It will definitely come true unless it gets confronted with facts to the contrary. Such facts must urgently be produced. If they are already there, they must urgently be communicated. It is not sufficient to do good things; one also has to talk about them!
Greeks afraid of FYROM? I am reminded of a FYROM marketing presentation where a team of slick government officials explained convincingly why the FYROM would be an excellent place for foreign investment. I am also reminded of a Greek commercial on CNN where blue skies and blue seas were shown and a wonderful voice intoned: 'The Gods could have chosen any place in the world and they chose Greece!' Greece's favorite neighbor to the North, the FYROM, was the shooting star of the World Bank's 'Doing Business 2012' report: they moved up from position #24 to #22! Greece, on the other hand, remained around position #100 (by far the worst ranking of any EU-country).
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Where is the Greek elite??? 'I sometimes get the impression that the Greek people are fully aware of the sacrifices being asked of them, but that the elite in Greece don't want to forego their privileges”. A very bold statement, indeed! From my personal experiences, it is an accurate statement, too. I would only add the following sentence to it: 'The elite in Greece - be it political, academic, journalistic, artistic, or whatever - does not want to focus on solutions which Greece could bring about on her own (that is without the EU). Instead, they love to involve themselves in other people's problems such as the PSI, the CDSs, Eurobonds, etc. etc. They love to belabor the past. They love to explain why Greece got into trouble. They love to lament. But they do not come up with specific proposals as to how to get the Greek economy going!'
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